What you deserve to know. 'Awaken to The Elephant'
To stifle any revolt beforehand, it must not be done violently. Archaic methods like Hitler's are clearly outdated. They've created a collective conditioning so powerful that the very idea of revolt will not even come to the minds of men anymore. The ideal would be to format individuals from birth by limiting their innate biological abilities. Then, packaging will continue to dramatically reduce the level and quality of education, reducing it to a form of professional integration. An uncultured individual has only a limited horizon of thought & the more his thinking is limited to material, mediocre concerns, the less he can revolt. MAKING ACCESS TO TRUTH EXTREMELY DIFFICULT AND ELITIST. Creating a gap between WE THE PEOPLE and science, for information directed at the general public to be anesthetized with subversive content.
Especially without philosophy. Once again PERSUASION must be used, not direct violence: it will be massively broadcast through television, imbecile entertainment, always fostering the emotional, the instinctive. Let us occupy minds with what is futile and playful. It's good with small talk and unceasing music to avoid any intellectual thought. Keep the people distracted with bullshit, from reflecting and putting 2+2 together.
Put sexuality in the front row of human interests as a social anesthesia, nothing better to distract a man or small minded woman than a sexually attractive distraction. Generally ban the truth & seriousness to existence. Mocking all things that have a true value and replacing them with bullshit that in all actuality, has no such value. Now the euphoria of consumption becomes the standard of human happiness and it becomes an acceptance of a synthetic 'Model of Freedom'.
This mental and social conditioning will produce the fear (which is a highly maintained fear) of being excluded from the system by not being able to access the material consumption of synthetic values, i.e. their happiness. The mass man, as he now has been produced, will be treated as what he has become, cattle, and should be watched as a flock should be. Keeping WE THE PEOPLE under submission.
Everything that lets people fall asleep (distractions) are considered socially good. Anything that could risk our Awakening is quickly fought, criticized and suffocated. (Like with censorship on social media)
Any doctrine that questions the elitist Mainstream belief system that they have created is designated as subversive and terroristic and those who support it (such as anti vaccine supporters) are treated as such.
This has been a publication brought to you by the 1st Amendment right, protected by the Constitution of the United States of America.
God bless you all. Stand firm. -Gunther Anders, rewritten by Bodhi Ganesh